Gynecomastia (‘ Male Boob’ or ‘Male Chest’ or ‘ Man Moobs’) is entirely non pathological condition where patient is male having enlarged chest like female. Beyond all the possible reasons, the fat in this area is non reduable. That means if somehow person is able to reduce whole body fat, the fat in this area remains as such.
Adding to public embarrassment, the psychological stress of young person is immense due to ridiculous remarks by pear group and others. With all kind of fitness activities it might be gym exercises swimming jogging ….all need sportswear to be worn and they are body hugging. Due to fear of getting noticed, person hides in loose clothing’s which is not so cool.
It’s only understood by patient some times and all including parents would demoralise him from opting for medical help. Some time it might interfere with school /college / work performance.
Like every other conditions where only surgical intervention is the way out, and which only can solve physical and psychological conditions early consultation and treatment is what is highly advisable.
In Indore we have operated more than 5000 cases of gynecomastia in last 15 years and are consistent with best gynecomastia surgical results in grade 2 to 5 across the time line.
Mostly as one would consider talking to person on phone is what is sufficient to decide upon by whom to get operated and keeping just the operative package in mind would be seriously misguiding.
Center with very low package may not be good enough or transparent!
Grade of gynecomastia can range from 1 to 5 and it can be fatty, glandule fatty or fatty glandular in type.
Examination by doctor himself in personal appointment is highly advisable as, it might affect technique, result, scar and recovery.
As straight as it might seem. Like every surgery it has its own risk. Especially when done by uneducated / untrained hands.
Procedure of treatment can be liposuction / liposuction + sub glandular reduction/ surgical excision, depending on grade / expanded skin.
If correct technique not employed, the result can be dangerously devastating.
The total duration again can vary from 1 hr. to 2 hrs. And doctors can advice admission as grade 3 and above need general anaesthesia.
Procedure should never be taken lightly and one has to make sure only trained professionals are handling your case.
The pressure garments / confirmer must be worn for not less than 1 month after surgery for best results.
Day to day activities are resumed by 4th day and weight training and heavy exercises are to be avoided for 3 weeks.
The thing which can be happily admitted about gynecomastia surgery is that, it never reoccurs once operated and there is 100% guarantee of cure with us.
Why Choose Life Aesthetics:-
At life aesthetics we have got reason to be proud of our results with more then 3000 cases of gynecomastia(male chest reduction). With us be sure that you are being operated and taken care by only internationally acclaimed surgeon, who make sure your ensured recovery at every step.
Personal guidance, friendly atmosphere and availability of medical personal as and when you required are the key factors.
With us we make sure you would smile after words just like others we have operated …and our reviews are not fake!!!
Gynecomastia - FAQ
Is gynecomastia surgery painful?
It is usually done under general anesthesia an combination of sedation and local anesthesia by expert anesthiologist. After procedure medium grade of pain killers are sufficient.
Is gynecomastia surgery very costly ?
It is medium range expance procedure. Stay in hospital, general anesthesia and skin reduction can add to cost in higher grades of gynecomastia.
Is Gynecomastia covered under Insurance?
No. Alike other cosmetic surgeries it is non-insurance covered. Few companies are giving EMI cards for treatment, which can be very well used.
Are there chances of recurrence?
No after full treatment gynecomastia is permanently treated.
Are the scars of gynecomastia surgery visible?
No the procedure have been designed to produce result without scar .a small scar below nipple may be evident for 3 weeks to 1 month.